We often eat dessert after a meal due to appetite rather than hunger.
Key Knowledge 3.1.1
The physiology and conditioning of appetite, satiety, and the sensory appreciation of food.
Key Skill 3.1.1
Explain appetite, satiety, and the sensory appreciation of food.
Key Skill 3.1.8
Apply the healthy eating recommendations of the Australian Dietary Guidelines and Australian Guide to Healthy Eating to the planning of daily food intake and, through practical activities, create nutritious meals to cater for a diverse range of needs.
VCE Food Studies Study Design p. 20 and 21, VCE Food Studies Study Design p. 20 and 21 Extracts from the VCE Food Studies Study Design (2023-2027) reproduced by permission; © VCAA. VCE is a registered trademark of the VCAA. The VCAA does not endorse or make any warranties regarding this study resource. Current VCE Study Designs and related content can be accessed directly at www.vcaa.vic.edu.au. Readers are also advised to check for updates and amendments to VCE Study Designs on the VCAA website and via the VCAA Bulletin and the VCAA Notices to Schools.
Terms and Definitions
Watch this video to discover more about appetite:
Watch this video to discover more about foods that contribute to satiety:
Watch this video to find out more about low GI foods:
Foods high in sugar.
Drinks high in sugar.
Highly processed foods.